Make a beep sound when finished

# make a beep, in OS X badge will show if terminal not in foreground
tput bel
# or 
echo -e "\a"

ping -c 5 && tput bel

Dirty StopWatch

# Use `ctrl-c` to stop
time cat

# Use `ctrl-d` to stop
time read

Copy and Paste in terminal

echo "hi" | pbcopy
pbcopy < file.txt


For linux user who want pbcopy or pbpaste, please refer to osxs pbcopy for linux on

Remove images metadata to protect privacy

exiftool -all= *.jpg

Bash Keyboard Shortcut

please refer to ss64

List open port

# For Mac OSX, you can use `lsof`
lsof -i:8080
# For Linux you may use `netstat`

String Editing

# using awk
ls -l | awk '{print $9}'

Mac OS X restarting services

# Fixed Finder crashes
killall -KILL Finder
# or option (=alt) + rightclicking the Finder icon in the Dock and selecting Relaunch

# Fixed Dock or Spaces crashes
killall -KILL Dock

# Fixed Menubar crashes
killall -KILL SystemUIServer

Convert plist file to xml

# `` is originally stored as binary format
cp ~/Library/Preferences/ <your-folder>
plutil -convert xml1

# convert XML .plist to binary
plutil -convert binary1 <your-xml-plist-file>
