
# Generate formula file in `(brew --repository)/Library/Formula/scalpel.rb`
brew create

# Edit the `scalpel.rb` file

Here is the file

class Scalpel < Formula
  homepage ""
  url ""
  sha1 "b4ae70208f15ae1bfa42e08df661cfaff38121ee"

  # depends_on "cmake" => :build
  # depends_on :x11 # if your formula requires any X11/XQuartz components

  depends_on 'autoconf'
  depends_on 'automake'
  depends_on 'libtool'
  depends_on 'tre'

  def install
    # ENV.deparallelize  # if your formula fails when building in parallel

    # Remove unrecognized options if warned by configure
    system "./bootstrap"
    system "./configure", "--disable-debug",
    # system "cmake", ".", *std_cmake_args
    system "make install" # if this fails, try separate make/make install steps
    etc.install "scalpel.conf" => "scalpel.conf.sample"


  • You can use the GitHub Release Feature for distributing the archive
  • Some command line tools
# Use `openssl` to get the `sha1` checksum
openssl sha1 [full path to file]

# generate `sha256`
shasum -a 256 <your-file>

# List all `tap`s
brew tap

# Use the `telemachus/desc` tap to get some brief info about the package
brew tap telemachus/desc

# List a package dependencies
brew deps <package-name>

# List all package installed
brew list

# List all package dependencies
brew list | while read cask; do echo -n "$cask ->"; brew deps $cask | awk '{printf(" %s ", $0)}'; echo ""; done


remember to run brew cask audit <your-cask> or brew audit <your-formula> before committing your changes.
