Entry one -- Registration Process

  1. Set your email and password without email confirmation
  2. Set your contact info which includes name, address and phone number

    this info better base on your IP address location

  3. Set your bank account card without its secure code which should have one dollar in it

  4. Validate your phone number by the automated phone call system

  5. Done and wait.

the key is the credit card and phone number which should be brand new to amazon and address info should base on ip location

Entry two -- Edit Amazon EC2 Instance to Allow ping Request

By default, amazon does not allow ping request for security reason. You can change the Security Groups settings to enable it.

I call it the amazon firewall, so cool isn't it.

  1. Login AWS Management Console and go to EC2
  2. Goto NETWORK & SECURITY--Security Groups on the left
  3. Add a Inbound rule, select Custom ICMP rule, type:echo request, source from anywhere

Entry three -- Connect to my EC2 Instance using ssh

ssh -i your.pem ubuntu@your.ec2.ip
